Jessica is an Occupational Therapist working in private practice in Ipswich, Queensland. Jessica is a registered Occupational Therapist under the Occupational Therapy Board of Australia.
Jessica aims to provide evidence-based, ethical and family-centred occupational therapy services to children and their families who experience challenges reaching developmental milestones.
Jessica strongly believes in understanding the environmental impact on child development, and parental/caregiver expertise. In acknowledging that growth cannot occur in isolation, Jessica understands the importance of family dynamics and understanding these dynamics through collaboration. Jessica believes in providing a safe environment that fosters growth and development through the expertise of all involved. In maintaining her own expertise as a qualified occupational therapist, Jessica will ensure that she engages in continuous learning and reflection.
Jessica has a special interest in child development and is certified in Ayres Sensory Integration (CASI). Jessica has also completed training in Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) Approach to Feeding.
Jessica has worked as an occupational therapist in private practice as well as within the schooling system in Queensland. Jessica has worked with children who live with austism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactvitiy disorder, intellectual disability and developmental coordination disorder.